who we are and our mission

Est. Dec. 8th 2011
Founded by five musicians that wanted to find an outlet that was equal to or beyond the feelings of a live stage performance. Down To Ride (DTR) is a single chapter, all male members, law abiding organization of motorcycle enthusiast who are dedicated to the preservation of the bond and brotherhood that riding motorcycles creates.
DTR is a multicultural family doing its part to erase negative biker stereo-types while promoting unity and equality
for all. Therefore DTR will never discriminate based on color, creed, social status or religion (Quality over Quantity).
Although DTR may attend, show support or in some cases assist other organizations with their charitable or social events, we are not affiliated with any other motorcycle organization, clubs or ride groups. We have great respect for
all motorcycle clubs and groups but no affiliation, therefore we do not wear a two or three piece patches, claim any territories or a nomad status. We take pride in being a law abiding organization and in no way want to misrepresent ourselves or intentions.
Founded by five musicians that wanted to find an outlet that was equal to or beyond the feelings of a live stage performance. Down To Ride (DTR) is a single chapter, all male members, law abiding organization of motorcycle enthusiast who are dedicated to the preservation of the bond and brotherhood that riding motorcycles creates.
DTR is a multicultural family doing its part to erase negative biker stereo-types while promoting unity and equality
for all. Therefore DTR will never discriminate based on color, creed, social status or religion (Quality over Quantity).
Although DTR may attend, show support or in some cases assist other organizations with their charitable or social events, we are not affiliated with any other motorcycle organization, clubs or ride groups. We have great respect for
all motorcycle clubs and groups but no affiliation, therefore we do not wear a two or three piece patches, claim any territories or a nomad status. We take pride in being a law abiding organization and in no way want to misrepresent ourselves or intentions.
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